Type in part of the name of the file you are after.
Click Find.
It displays a list of matches
Double-click the file you want, and it will be downloaded.
If the search fails, try another server or search string.
If all searches fail, you are probably behind a firewall, talk to your network admin. Archie searches will not work through firewalls. The firewall settings only affect FTP.
If the fetch fails, try another host.
Browsing an FTP site
Choose Get… from the FTP menu.
Type in the name of the host (eg ftp.amug.org)
Type in the path name (eg /pub/peterlewis/)
Click List
If you get an error, choose Retry, or control-Edit Retry.
It displays a list of files and folder.
Double-click any of them to display further lists, or to fetch a file.
Saving a bookmark
Select a folder or file in the listing.
Choose Save Bookmark… from the File menu.
Now if you Open that, it will display the listing, or fetch the file.
Copying a bookmark
Select one or more folders or files in the listing.
Choose Copy (or option-Copy) from the Edit menu.
[This is useful for those people who post asking “where is program blah?” - just feed “blah” into Anarchie’s Find window, and copy the results and paste them into your reply]
Choose List Bookmarks.
Pick any server there, double-click and you're off!
Pretty easy stuff, hey? Well, not quite any more, but hopefully easy enough. When you get your rating up to “Net Destroyer”, let me know (you better have registered by then though :-)